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D5 & D6 LVDT Displacement Transducer

High cycle life
Stainless steel
High accuracy
Infinite resolution
image of D5 LVDT Displacement Transducer
These transducers are for displacement / position measurement. They make an accurate position measurement of the movement of the armature (the sliding part) relative to the body of the displacement transducer.
This transducer uses the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) principle which means that it is probably the most robust and reliable position sensor type available. The strength of the LVDT sensor's principle is that there is no electrical contact across the transducer position sensing element which for the user of the sensor means clean data, infinite resolution and a very long life.
The LVDTs are available as either unguided or spring return versions.
Unguided version.
On our D5-D6 unguided LVDTs the armature assembly is a separate component, to make a measurement the user must guide the armature inside the body without touching the sides. Our D5-D6 unguided position measurement transducers are appropriate where external guidance is available and give truly non-contact operation
End (axial) exit cable.
dimensional drawing of D5/HK
D1=9.5mm (9.398mm to 9.498mm)
X=Centre of range
Type Range Linearity error (% F.S.) L X (nom) ID Total weight Armature weight TF Inward over-travel Sensitivity (nom)
D6/02500U ±2.5mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 43mm 19mm 2.90mm 17g 1.8g 15mm 1.5mm 375mV/V
D6/05000U ±5mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 56mm 25mm 2.90mm 21g 1.8g 18mm 2.0mm 700mV/V
D5/300HK ±7.5mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 58mm 30mm 2.54mm 20g 1.8g 19mm 3.9mm 502mV/V
D5/400HK ±10mm ±0.5/±0.25 63mm 33mm 2.54mm 26g 1.9g 19mm 4.4mm 576mV/V
MD5/500HK ±12.5mm ±0.5/±0.25 79mm 35mm 2.54mm 34g 2.3g 19mm 4.3mm 775mV/V
MD5/1000HK ±25mm ±0.5/±0.25 114mm 48mm 2.54mm 34g 3.1g 18mm 4.1mm 475mV/V
MD5/2000HK ±50mm ±0.5/±0.25 210mm 74mm 2.54mm 62g 5.3g 18mm 5.0mm 535mV/V
MD5/3000HK ±75mm ±0.5/±0.25 298mm 99mm 2.54mm 87g 7.4g 18mm 5.0mm 525mV/V
Side (radial) exit cable.
dimensional drawing of D5/HKRA
A=6mm (nominal)
D1=9.5mm (9.398mm to 9.498mm)
X=Centre of range
Type Range Linearity error (% F.S.) L X (nom) ID Total weight Armature weight TF Inward over-travel Sensitivity (nom)
D6/02500URA ±2.5mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 45mm 19mm 2.92mm 17g 1.8g 15mm 1.5mm 375mV/V
D6/05000URA ±5mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 60mm 25mm 2.92mm 21g 1.8g 18mm 2.0mm 700mV/V
D5/300HKRA ±7.5mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 60mm 30mm 2.54mm 20g 1.8g 18mm 3.9mm 502mV/V
D5/400HKRA ±10mm ±0.5/±0.25 65mm 33mm 2.54mm 26g 1.9g 18mm 4.4mm 576mV/V
MD5/500HKRA ±12.5mm ±0.5/±0.25 81mm 35mm 2.54mm 34g 2.3g 18mm 4.3mm 775mV/V
MD5/1000HKRA ±25mm ±0.5/±0.25 117mm 48mm 2.54mm 34g 3.1g 18mm 4.1mm 475mV/V
MD5/2000HKRA ±50mm ±0.5/±0.25 212mm 74mm 2.54mm 62g 5.3g 18mm 5.0mm 535mV/V
MD5/3000HKRA ±75mm ±0.5/±0.25 301mm 99mm 2.54mm 87g 7.4g 18mm 5.0mm 525mV/V

Spring return version.
Our D5-D6 spring displacement transducer has bearings to guide the armature inside the measurement sensor and a spring which pushes the armature to the fully out position. Our D5-D6 spring return LVDTs are appropriate where it is not possible to connect the transducer armature to the moving component being measured.
D6/00250A to D6/01000A
End (axial) exit cable.
dimensional drawing of D5/AG
D1=8mm (7.965mm to 7.990mm)
X=Centre of range
D6/02500A to MD5/3000AG
End (axial) exit cable.
dimensional drawing of D5/AG
D1=9.5mm (9.398mm to 9.498mm)
X=Centre of range
Type Range Linearity error (% F.S.) L X (nom) Total weight Spring force at X Spring rate Inward over-travel Outward over-travel Sensitivity (nom)
D6/00250A ±0.25mm ±0.5/±0.25 49mm 12mm 11g 0.6N 1.2N/cm 0.6mm 0.6mm 38mV/V
D6/00500A ±0.5mm ±0.5/±0.25 49mm 12mm 11g 0.6N 1.2N/cm 0.3mm 0.3mm 75mV/V
D6/01000A ±1mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 52mm 13mm 12g 0.4N 1.2N/cm 1.8mm 0.8mm 150mV/V
D6/02500A ±2.5mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 61mm 12mm 25g 0.9N 0.9N/cm 1.3mm 1.3mm 375mV/V
D6/05000A ±5mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 78mm 12mm 30g 0.9N 0.8N/cm 1.1mm 1.4mm 700mV/V
D5/300AG ±7.5mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 88mm 15mm 34g 1.1N 0.6N/cm 1.1mm 1.6mm 502mV/V
D5/400AG ±10mm ±0.5/±0.25 99mm 19mm 40g 1.4N 0.4N/cm 2.5mm 1.3mm 576mV/V
MD5/500AG ±12.5mm ±0.5/±0.25 121mm 22mm 48g 1.4N 0.4N/cm 2.5mm 1.3mm 775mV/V
MD5/1000AG ±25mm ±0.5/±0.25 192mm 36mm 76g 2.7N 0.4N/cm 1.2mm 2.9mm 475mV/V
MD5/2000AG ±50mm ±0.5/±0.25 349mm 65mm 138g 4.5N 0.4N/cm 4.2mm 3.2mm 535mV/V
MD5/3000AG ±75mm ±0.5/±0.25 525mm 100mm 208g 6.3N 0.4N/cm 5.0mm 5.0mm 525mV/V
D6/00250ARA to D6/01000ARA
Side (radial) exit cable.
dimensional drawing of D5/AGRA
A=6mm (nominal)
D1=8mm (7.965mm to 7.990mm)
X=Centre of range
D6/02500ARA to MD5/3000AGRA
Side (radial) exit cable.
dimensional drawing of D5/AGRA
A=6mm (nominal)
D1=9.5mm (9.398mm to 9.498mm)
X=Centre of range
Type Range Linearity error (% F.S.) L X (nom) Total weight Spring force at X Spring rate Inward over-travel Outward over-travel Sensitivity (nom)
D6/00250ARA ±0.25mm ±0.5/±0.25 50mm 12mm 11g 0.6N 1.2N/cm 0.6mm 0.6mm 38mV/V
D6/00500ARA ±0.5mm ±0.5/±0.25 50mm 12mm 11g 0.6N 1.2N/cm 0.3mm 0.3mm 75mV/V
D6/01000ARA ±1mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 53mm 13mm 12g 0.4N 1.2N/cm 1.8mm 0.8mm 150mV/V
D6/02500ARA ±2.5mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 64mm 12mm 25g 0.9N 0.9N/cm 1.3mm 1.3mm 375mV/V
D6/05000ARA ±5mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 83mm 12mm 30g 0.9N 0.8N/cm 1.1mm 1.4mm 700mV/V
D5/300AGRA ±7.5mm ±0.5/±0.25/±0.1 90mm 15mm 34g 1.1N 0.6N/cm 1.1mm 1.6mm 502mV/V
D5/400AGRA ±10mm ±0.5/±0.25 102mm 19mm 40g 1.4N 0.4N/cm 2.5mm 1.3mm 576mV/V
MD5/500AGRA ±12.5mm ±0.5/±0.25 124mm 22mm 48g 1.4N 0.4N/cm 2.5mm 1.3mm 775mV/V
MD5/1000AGRA ±25mm ±0.5/±0.25 195mm 36mm 76g 2.7N 0.4N/cm 1.2mm 2.9mm 475mV/V
MD5/2000AGRA ±50mm ±0.5/±0.25 351mm 65mm 138g 4.5N 0.4N/cm 4.2mm 3.2mm 535mV/V
MD5/3000AGRA ±75mm ±0.5/±0.25 527mm 100mm 208g 6.3N 0.4N/cm 5.0mm 5.0mm 525mV/V

Excitation/supply (acceptable) 0.5V to 7V rms, 2kHz to 10kHz (sinusoidal)
Excitation/supply (calibrated) 5V rms, 5kHz (sinusoidal)
Linearity error (Standard) ±0.5% F.S.
Linearity error (Optional on some models) ±0.25% F.S.
Linearity error (Optional on some models) ±0.1% F.S.
Temperature coefficient (span) ±0.01% F.S. /℃ (typical)
Operating temperature range -20℃ to 125℃
Electrical termination 2m (integral cable) Longer available to order.

Connection details
D5 D6

Options and accessories
TM0315 Operating temperature range (maximum) = 200℃ image of High Temperature Survival
Mounting block for RDP transducers mounting block thumbnail
E74 In-Line LVDT Amplifier In-cable amplifer option thumbnail
Amplifiers Amplifier option thumbnail
Panel meter Panel meter option thumbnail