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Model NF (FP5000) Pressure Transducer

High accuracy
Internal amplifier
Stainless steel
Gauge pressure
Absolute pressure
High resolution
image of Model  NF (FP5000) Pressure Transducer
The NF FP5000 series offers a modular selection which increases choice and reduces delivery time. We try to stock the various elements and simply weld them together to your requirements. This results in a wide range of mechanical and electrical options and in a shorter lead-time.
The SPT-NF unit has both gauge pressure and absolute pressure versions. The SPT-NF gauge pressure transducer measures with respect to atmospheric pressure. The SPT-NF absolute pressure transducer measures with respect to a vacuum.

Gauge pressureThe SPT-NF gauge pressure transducer measures with respect to atmospheric pressure
Absolute pressureThe SPT-NF absolute pressure transducer measures with respect to a vacuum


KD35 kPa
KF100 kPa
KG200 kPa
KH300 kPa
KJ700 kPa
KL1000 kPa
KM1500 kPa
KQ3000 kPa
KR5000 kPa
KS7000 kPa
KT10000 kPa
WC20 in-H2O
WE30 in-H2O
WG50 in-H2O
ME1 bar
MF2 bar
NA3.5 bar
MG5 bar
NB7 bar
MH10 bar
MI20 bar
MJ30 bar
NC35 bar
MK50 bar
ND70 bar
ML100 bar
NE135 bar
MY200 bar
NG350 bar
UG30 in-Hg
AN0.5 psi
AP1 psi
AT5 psi
AV10 psi
BJ15 psi
BL25 psi
BM30 psi
BN50 psi
BP75 psi
BR100 psi
CJ150 psi
CL200 psi
CN250 psi
CP300 psi
CQ400 psi
CR500 psi
CS600 psi
CT750 psi
CV1000 psi
DJ1500 psi
DL2000 psi
DM2500 psi
DN3000 psi
DR5000 psi

Compensated temperature range
1AK0℃ to 60℃
1Y-20℃ to 80℃
1AP-40℃ to 85℃
1BA-40℃ to 125℃